The University of Toledo
Law Review
The University of Toledo Law Review is a scholarly publication devoted to the discussion of current legal issues. Published three times a year, the Law Review contains articles by legal scholars and practitioners, comments by students on new developments in the law, and discussions by students of recent noteworthy cases.
The University of Toledo Law Review is also home to the Deans' Leadership in Legal Education Series. The articles in this series are written by deans of various law schools and address topics pertinent to legal education.
Subscriptions to the journals for 2022-2023 (Volume 54) will be priced as follows:
US/Domestic: $35.00 USD
Foreign: $45.00 USD
Please address subscription inquiries, claims and payments to:
University of Toledo Law Review
Subscription Services
PO Box 465
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: 717-632-3535
Fax: 717-633-8920
Prepayment is required in U.S. dollars via a check drawn on U.S. bank. Please make checks payable to University of Toledo Law Review.
Note: No Agency Discount